video game reviews
wii dragon reviews

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Hello everyone! My name is Wii Dragon and this is where I post my video game reviews. Right now I am mainly playing wii and ds games, though I will occasionally play some N64, Gamecube, Playstation, and Switch. I started these reviews because I am on the hunt to collect every North American wii game, which is between 1200 - 1600 games (depending on your source). While I don't know if this goal will ever become a reality, I am having a lot of fun picking up random games at secondhand shops and finding some hidden gems!

This is somewhat of a blog, somewhat of a way to "formally" review all of my games. Something I try to do in order to combat overconsumption is to play all of my new games throughly before moving on to the next. So, you'll probably see me pickup games a lot of games one week, then nothing for another month while I play through that set. I can't promise to finish every game, but I will give each one an honest effort!

I'm sure a lot of people are probably wondering, why the wii? The console is known for some really good, nostalgic games, but mainly shovelware and bad controls. Well, I can't deny that nostalgia is a big part. The wii was the console that I grew up with. But I think there is more to it than that. I've found that even a lot of shovelware games have an undeniable charm to them. While not every game is one that i'll always return to, it's rare to find a game that doesn't at least make me laugh. The console is so reminiscent of the mid-2000s, and everything about it just feels like home. The wii has always been, and probably always will be, my favorite console experience. Like I said, I'll definitely be reviewing some DS games as well. The ds is another favorite of mine, and one of the things that I find so interesting about the two consoles is how some games were released on both and have the same title, but are a completely different gaming experience. Petz Catz 2 is a great example - one is a story-based rpg, the other is a pet sim. I love both consoles and look forward to diving into both!

Now for some logistical information. I don't have a consistent upload schedule yet, but I am already working on my first few reviews. I hope to have them out by the end of October. New reviews will have links in the sidebar, you can also access the full list of all reviewed games (in progress - check back soon). Reviews will be sorted alphabetically by console. I may also post tiny blog updates about my gaming adventures, especially when I go out hunting for new games - it's always fun to see what you can find! That's all for now - check back soon for more updates!